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In-Person worship will take place in the sanctuary.The Nob Hill Neighborhood Association along with partner Rev Dawn of Monte Vista Christian Church are supporting the work of ACS and unhoused individuals by assembling Hygiene kits to provide for those living on the streets. The ACS will distribute them and we can also have them at the ready, if we are comfortable doing that.
Please join us for a Hygiene Kit Assembly event on the third Tuesday of each month, 5:30-6:30 pm at Monte Vista Christian Church.
Sign up here to volunteer to bring components, either to the event or to drop them during MVCC office hours.
Watch the livestream at
In-Person worship will take place in the sanctuary.Watch the livestream at
In-Person worship will take place in the sanctuary.Watch the livestream at
In-Person worship will take place in the sanctuary.Watch the livestream at
In-Person worship will take place in the sanctuary.Contents ©2024 Monte Vista Christian Church. Website programming by Jim Ahrend.