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Music & Arts


Vista Voices

Vista Voices (formerly known as the Chancel Choir) rehearses on Wednesdays in the music room at 7:30 PM, and sings regularly in the 10:30 AM Sunday worship, under the directorship of Michael Cooke.  The choir is always looking for a few more enthusiastic voices!

Vista Bells


The Vista Bells Choir rehearses at 6:15 PM on Wednesdays in the sanctuary, and plays in the 10:30 AM worship on special days and from time to time throughout the year.  For more info contact director Lois Cook.


Our Wicks-Alborn Hybrid (Pipe/Digital) Organ


The organ at Monte Vista is a source of pride.  Starting out in 1968 as a 14 rank Wicks pipe organ, it has been upgraded over the years, the latest of which was in 2010 when the console was "MIDI-ized," and 20 ranks of digital sounds were added to the existing 18 ranks of pipes.  It is now a 38-rank hybrid, truly a one-of-a-kind in Albuquerque, and is played every Sunday morning by organist Paulette McClellan.



Contents ©2024 Monte Vista Christian Church.  Website programming by Jim Ahrend.