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Welcome to Monte Vista! > MVCC Community > Church Membership Information

How Do I Become A Member?


For most people joining Monte Vista happens at the end of the Sunday morning service, when those interested in joining are invited to come forward during the final hymn. 


There are three ways to enter into "official" membership with Monte Vista Christian Church:

By Confession of Faith and Baptism
Having come forward in worship during the invitation hymn you will be asked, "Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the living God, and do you accept him as your Savior and the Savior of the world?" Baptism will be mutually arranged.
By Statement or Transfer of Membership from Another Congregation
This may be done through coming forward in worship during the invitation hymn or through requesting one of the ministers to write a letter of transfer to your former church. Monte Vista Christian Church welcomes into membership Christians who have been baptized in other church traditions.
By Dual Membership with Another Congregation
College students, military personnel, and others who wish to maintain a relationship to their home church are welcome to unite with Monte Vista Christian Church as your church home in Albuquerque.

Contents ©2024 Monte Vista Christian Church.  Website programming by Jim Ahrend.