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Welcome to Monte Vista! > Faith in Action > Exploring God Together: Education

Exploring God


We love our babies and preschoolers.  For the next several months please feel free to bring your little ones to class and Worship with you. 


(5 years - 5th Grade)

The Chidren's Church School Class explores ways to develop a relationship with God by means of Bible study; learning about our denomination and church expressing faith with music and art; and being of service to MVCC and our community.  During the year (Fall 2018 trough Summer 2019) our studies will be grounded in the theme of "Family".  We will explore our different types of families found in the Old and New Testaments as well as spend time thinking about the families we are part of.


YOUTH  (Mid-School and High School)

Pre-teens and teens are navigating the exciting and challenging river of adolecense.  How a youth sees herself, how a youth perceives others and see him, learning to direct condect and speech more on ethics than rules, and fashioning their Christian identity as a child of God are some of the dynamics in this river.  This Fall we are looking ways youth may find an inner core---ethical, relational, emotional, and spiritual---that grounds and directs them.



We have a variety of study and fellowship groups that meet each Sunday at 9:30 am. Discover which one is right for you!

Young Adult's Class (NEW)


This class is perfect for inquiring minds and searching hearts.  If you are wondering how to live a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and helpful to others, join us.  Meets in Rm. 123   




Transformers are currently studying God, faith, and our physical well-being. They meet in the Living Room at 9:30 every Sunday morning.  Meets in the Living Room

Kum Dubbles
Kum Dubbles is a fellowship class that meets every Sunday at 9:15 am. Join them in Rm 122 (downstairs) for a lecture-style study from the Uniform Series of the National Council of Churches.  During the summer months they have been delving into "Toward a New Creation - in the books of Genesis, Psalms, Zephaniah, and Romans.  Beginning in September they will be studying the Sovereignty of God.  Join them. 

Join the Koinonia Class in the study of the Gospel of John.  John, the last of the Gospels to be written, is very different than the other three Gospels.  Many of us have been confused and puzzled by that difference and have found it difficult to understand the significance of that difference.  Sometimes that has led to a neglect or a rejection of this Gospel.  The Koinonia Class is using the book, The Fourth Gospel:  Tales of a Jewish Mystic by John Shelby Sprong.  This is one of the later books of this biblical scholar published in 2013.  This is a discussion based class.



Topics for study are based on expressed interests and chosen by the class. Our resources are sometimes available study materials, reading being done by class members, or the experience and expertise of class members. Leadership for class sessions is handled by class members on a volunteer basis. Occasionally, outside resource persons are invited to give leadership; and there are occasional class social functions. Please come and join us.

Different teachers, Rm 121, Sundays, 9:30 am





Contents ©2024 Monte Vista Christian Church.  Website programming by Jim Ahrend.