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Welcome! Monte Vista Christian Church.  Monte Vista celebrates the privilege of serving Christ's ministry in the Nob Hill neighborhood, greater Albuquerque community, and the world.
We are an Open and Affirming congregation that seeks to overcome all barriers that separate God's children from God and each other, be it race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical or mental ability, education, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or dogma.
  • We seek the sacred in shared worship and in our own lives.
  • We encourage intellectual diversity and freedom of scriptural interpretation.
  • We embrace authentic opportunities to serve all in need.

We welcome and invite all who wish to join with us in a shared spiritual journey.













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* Worship Packet for Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024 *

Sunday Schedule


• Education 9:00am

• Fellowship 10:00am

• Worship 10:30am




Welcome to Monte Vista!

Thank you for visiting our webpage! We’ll soon be upgrading and updating our website so check back again! In the meantime, as you look through the pages you’ll find a rich history of faith and service from our doorsteps “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). As a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we value our heritage of weekly Open Communion where all are welcome at the Table, of being able to explore our own faith together in community with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, of our ecumenical and interfaith relationships in celebration of the diversity with which God created us, while worshiping the same God of all, and of engaging in worship, study, prayer, service, social justice, and fellowship. 


The Covid pandemic changed everything in our lives, communities, work places, school, and more. We’re a different world now and we at Monte Vista Christian Church have been exploring new and meaningful ways of living into God’s vision for our ministry as we provide safe space for all, gather people together in community beyond the walls of the church building, foster relationships, be present to the present reality, engage in relational ministry in these challenging times. We’re grateful to be able to minister in partnership and collaboration with the community around us and with other organizations, to offer our church buildings for community use, to be in relationship with our tenants, other ministry groups, and a variety of organizations. An Open & Affirming congregation, we strive to fully embody God’s inclusive love and radical hospitality that was modeled for us by Jesus Christ. 


We’re always discerning new ways of faithful service to God’s call to spread the good news of God’s grace and love for all. I joined the MVCC ministry team as Senior Minister in June 2017 and have been delighted at the many ways God’s Spirit is working among us and through us! I’m grateful to be serving with amazing, dedicated church leaders and staff. It’s definitely an exciting time to be a part of MVCC, “where heart and intellect intersect in Christ” is more than simply a motto! As we seek to minister to the whole person, you’ll find many opportunities at MVCC to nurture faith, family, and relationships. You’ll find great joy and laughter as we serve out of our passions and commitment to Christ’s gospel of love and peace. I hope you’ll consider worshiping with us at 10:30 on Sunday mornings.


If you would like to visit with me about our faith community, share in prayer together, or explore to what God might be leading you, please reach out to me by phone or email (below). I pray that you know you are God’s beloved and that you experience God’s many blessings for you of abundant life and hope.


Rev. Dr. Dawn Rosignol 
Senior Minister

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Online Giving







Contents ©2024 Monte Vista Christian Church.  Website programming by Jim Ahrend.