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Welcome to Monte Vista! > Stay in Touch > Just for Newcomers!

Don't Put Off Joy, Embrace it!

You are welcome to visit one time or many times. Whether merely curious or a long-term attendee, you will be welcomed with open arms. Study and fellowship groups offer a time to ask honest questions and discover ways to deal with life's issues. When we share together, we find love and acceptance. Supportive friendships are formed. Find the joy of being within this warm community!


Faith is a Journey, Not a Guilt Trip

We celebrate that we do not all walk the same walk, but acknowledge that we can walk our walks together. We invite everyone to join us at the table for the Lord's Supper. This shared table is the center and symbol of our spirituality.


Serving Others

As a denomination, The Disciples of Christ work to make a difference in our community near and far. Our outreach programs are varied including: help in the soup kitchens, sheltering the homeless, caring for children and working to change unfair laws or challenge discrimination. We participate in caring for persons in times of natural disaster, economic upheaval and political uncertainly. From the door of our congregation and around the world, we embrace others.

Contents ©2024 Monte Vista Christian Church.  Website programming by Jim Ahrend.