Wed, February 19, 2020 6:00pm - 7:00pm events:Education Read the Bible - Church School Class Have you ever wanted to read the Bible in entirety but not been able to succeed for whatever reason? We have put together an in-person group during Wednesday at 6pm. With my whole nephesh I want to know Jesus better, I want to have a deeper relationship with God, I want to understand Holy Spirit more. I have a free Bible reading plan/app in mind, called Read Scripture that utilizes fun, short videos (like the one for nephesh) from The Bible Project to help encourage us and shed light on confusing or dry parts of our reading. In fact, check out the 4 minute video for nephesh by searching on YouTube for "Bible Project nephesh." Or if you have a different reading plan in mind, let's see how the plans work together. Stan was so kind and generous and said we can combine his class with the Bible reading group in the living room during Sunday school hour. Would you join us? I hope to see you there! [add event to GOOGLE CALENDAR]